There are so many makeup brushes on the market these days it can be a little overwhelming when it comes to choosing the right ones for the job (and ones you like, of course).

We’re in luck, though, as Lisa Potter-Dixon, one of the UK’s top makeup artists, has written a handy blog to help us out. She covers all the essentials, including a handy pricing guide. Budget or spenny, she’s got you covered.

Do you need makeup brushes? No, absolutely not, as you could simply use your fingers. That’s not my favourite technique, though – in fact, I very rarely use my fingers, except perhaps to dab a bit of glitter or highlighter here and there. I find makeup brushes give a much nicer, polished finish and are easier to use, particularly in tight spots, such as the eyes.

To find out what Lisa thinks about all this and to read her fab guide to make-up brushes, click HERE.