The impact the beauty industry has on the environment is something that’s not talked about enough, and we could all be better educated about this damaging issue.
There is a way to make your beauty routine eco-friendly and save money at the same time. Ready to do your bit?

Here are those seven swaps:

  1. Swap single-use makeup wipes for reusable cotton rounds. Disposable wipes can take up to 100 years to break down in landfills (yikes), contributing to pollution and waste. By switching to reusable, you’re reducing waste while also saving money in the long run. Simply wash and reuse the cotton rounds, ensuring a more sustainable makeup removal routine.
  2. Choose refillable beauty products. Many beauty brands now offer refillable packaging options for their products, such as foundation, lipstick, and skincare items. This cuts down on single-use plastic waste and refillable products typically cost less than the initial purchase, making it a cost-effective choice.
  3. Try DIY natural beauty treatments. I love this one. Commercial beauty treatments often contain harsh chemicals and come in non-recyclable packaging. Opt for homemade alternatives using natural, eco-friendly ingredients like honey, oatmeal, and coffee grounds. DIY beauty treatments are not only better for the environment, but they are also gentle on your skin and wallet. There are plenty of books and blogs on this topic, so get searching and saving.
  4. If it can work for you, adopt a minimalist beauty routine. Simplify it by focusing on multi-purpose products. The planet will thank you for investing in fewer high-quality items. Lipsticks can be used as blushes, bronzers as eyeshadows and many serums are multi-functional for instance. Get creative with this one.
  5. Support eco-friendly beauty brands. Prioritise companies that champion sustainability and ethical sourcing. These brands use eco-friendly packaging, cruelty-free ingredients and prioritise renewable resources. By supporting these companies, you’re voting for a more sustainable industry and protecting the planet for the generations that will come after us.
  6. Use solid shampoo and conditioner bars. Traditional liquid shampoos and conditioners come in wasteful plastic bottles. Switching over to solid shampoo and conditioner bars not only reduces plastic consumption but also lasts longer than its liquid counterparts. Win-win.
  7. Recycle and upcycle beauty packaging. Properly recycle beauty packaging, including separating components when necessary (e.g., pumps from bottles). Additionally, find creative ways to upcycle containers, such as repurposing candle jars for makeup brush holders or using empty skincare containers for travel-sized products. Upcycling extends the life of packaging, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Let’s just do it!