How to cultivate a growth mindset over 50

How to cultivate a growth mindset over 50

Did you know your negative thoughts and self-talk might hold you back more than you realise? You’re not alone if you’re over 50 and struggling with self-doubt, fear of change, or feeling like it’s too late to start something new. But here’s the...
Should women over 50 wear eyeshadow?

Should women over 50 wear eyeshadow?

This topic came up recently when someone asked me, “I’m almost 50 – should I stop wearing eyeshadow altogether?” Honestly, this question made me both sad and a little angry. Why? Because women are still being influenced by outdated opinions about how they should...
Putting the brakes on change (for now)

Putting the brakes on change (for now)

Time for change? If you’re reading this in January, then probably not. New year, new me…etc. Wait…stop, come back, I’m only kidding. Why do we fall for it every year? January is the absolute worst time to change anything. The only people who would think that starting...
How big is your playground?

How big is your playground?

How big is your playground? Midlife and beyond is not a time to shrink your world – it’s the perfect moment to expand it. This thought-provoking article from CrunchyTales beautifully explores how to reimagine your life, embrace new adventures, and rediscover joy...