Let’s dive right into something that’s likely holding you back more than you realise – your negative thoughts and self-talk. Yes, those little whispers of doubt, the “I’m too old” or “I’m not good enough” chatter, can be way more damaging than you think. But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be that way.

We’re about to explore the empowering journey of overcoming those limiting beliefs and stepping into the next chapter of life with sass, confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose. After all, we’re over 50, fabulous, and ready to take on the world!

The ‘what now’ moment

If you’re in your 50s (or beyond), you’ve probably noticed that life feels a little…different. Whether it’s your kids leaving home, a career shift, or just thinking about your next big move, this stage of life presents the perfect moment to pause and ask, “What now?”

You might be thinking about launching a new business, starting a passion project, or simply embracing more of what makes you happy. Whatever your situation, one thing is true –  now is the time to liberate yourself and define what truly matters to you.

The mindset shift – growth versus fixed

One of the biggest challenges women face at this stage is mindset. Do you have a growth mindset (where you believe in limitless possibilities) or a fixed mindset (where you think things are what they are, and there’s no point in trying to change)?

If you feel stuck, it may be because of that fixed mindset. The good news? You can cultivate a growth mindset at any age. You are not too old, too busy, or too anything to achieve whatever your heart desires!

Busting the top three negative beliefs women over 50 tell themselves

Let’s tackle some of the biggest culprits behind that stuck feeling:

  1. I’m too old to…

The number one thing women tell themselves, and it can be a major dream-killer. Ask yourself: what is too old? Who decides that?

If you’re telling yourself this story, let’s shake it up. Imagine living to be 100. Do you really want to spend the next 30, 40 or 50 years chugging along, unfulfilled, or would you rather wake up each morning invigorated and energised by the pursuit of your dreams?

I got my biggest job at 48, opened my beloved sewing shop at 50 (alongside my biggest job), became self-employed at 53, and launched Still Sassy less than a year ago. Age is just a number, ladies. Go for it. Push on.

  1. I’m Too Busy

We’ve all said, “I’d love to, but I’m just too busy.” But are you really? Or is it easier to say that than to face your dreams head-on?

If you’re too busy to work toward what truly matters, it might be time to take a hard look at how you’re spending your days. Could you carve out a little time for your big dreams? An hour here and there could be enough to start writing that book, learning a new skill, or planning your dream trip.

Here’s a tip: Write down how you’re spending your time. Where are the gaps? That’s where your opportunity lies.

  1. I’m not good enough

This one breaks my heart. So many women believe they aren’t capable or qualified to pursue their dreams. But guess what? No one starts as an expert. Everyone has to learn, grow, and take risks.

The key to unlocking your potential is to stop listening to that negative voice in your head. If a friend came to you with an exciting idea, you’d cheer her on, right? So why not show yourself the same love and encouragement?

How negative self-talk shapes your life

The language you use – both out loud and in your head can shape your entire life. Thoughts like “I can’t” or “I’m too old” can become self-fulfilling prophecies. But the reverse is also true! When you start telling yourself, “I’m capable” or “Why not me?” your brain starts to believe it, and magic happens.

When that little negative voice creeps in, thank it for its concern (because hey, it’s just trying to keep you safe), but then choose to move forward anyway. Remember, thoughts are just thoughts. They don’t define you unless you let them.

Taking action on your dreams

Now that you know how to spot and combat those limiting beliefs, what’s next? It’s time to take action, one step at a time. Start with small, manageable steps toward your big, audacious goals. Want to move abroad? Start learning the language, research the culture, or connect with expats. Want to start a business? Begin researching your market, drafting a business plan, or networking with other entrepreneurs today.

Remember, there’s no rush, but there is no reason to wait, either. Time is finite, and the longer you wait, the less of it you have to pursue what truly makes you happy.

The Sassy life starts now

So, what’s your big dream? What’s that one idea that excites you but also scares you a little? Whatever it is, now’s the time to pursue it with everything you’ve got. Life isn’t over when you reach 50. It’s just beginning.

Let me know in the comments how you deal with negative thoughts or if you’re ready to develop that sassy growth mindset and start living your best life. Share your experiences with negative self-talk and how you overcame it. I’d love to hear your stories, and I’m always here to cheer you on. You are not alone in this journey.

Stay sassy, stay fabulous, and never stop dreaming!